Pleading for a new form of journalism

KIM’s (journalistic) viewpoints are inspired by solutions journalism and imaginative storytelling.  KIM strongly believes that solutions-oriented reporting is important. A journalist, whose business is making people aware of societal issues, should also be capable of explaining how we can deal with problems in different communities. A good journalist conducts research, thoroughly analyzes the material,  applies the adversarial principle and formulates solutions.

Imaginative storytelling is tied with the concept of solutions journalism. It entails showing people what is possible. For example, If we just accept the one-dimensional images of different social groups (sexual identity, gender, ethnicity, skin color, religion and class) in the media, we will never know what could have been. How media could open the minds of people and introduce them to (other) cultures, concepts and possibilities. We need to imagine media depictions that reflect the diversity in the world, to be able to achieve such media texts.


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